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Six Months in the City of Cats & Dogs
They call themselves gatos – cats. If you’re a gato you’re a true Madrilenian. Three generations at least. The people of Madrid are proud of this moniker, and rightfully so. But the sad truth is gatos are increasingly rare in this city of extranjeros – a word that literally means ‘strangers’, but is used to…
Cereal for Dinner
“I grew up swearing I’d never live in New York,” the woman beside me explains.  We’re waiting for a reading to start at a bar in Crown Heights – two strangers somewhere in our 30s. She’s from New Jersey, the state just next door, has been here two years now.  “We’d say it was where…
Something of Worth
When I was 12 years old, my grandmother gave me an unusual gift: a deep plastic tub filled with individually wrapped teacups. My brother received an identical tub – his was filled with model airplanes.  At the time, I was somewhat perplexed by this offering. Although I had experienced an early initiation into the world…
The Ocean is Punk
Terrestrials are officially uncool. It’s a shame, because we have something pretty interesting going on up here. Tusked megafauna with phallus-like facial appendages roam mystic and ancient forests, whilst ferocious cats with impossibly glorious hair flourish in the untameable plains of Africa. The land has also given birth to humanity, along with culture, music, spirituality,…

Astray is a storytelling project centred on travel, place, culture and liberation.

We’re based out of Lenapehoking/New York City: the homeland of the Lenape. We recognize their strength and resilience, and extend our reverence to all Indigenous peoples everywhere. This acknowledgement demonstrates a commitment to beginning the process of working to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.