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Cereal for Dinner
“I grew up swearing I’d never live in New York,” the woman beside me explains.  We’re waiting for a reading to start at a bar in Crown Heights – two strangers somewhere in our 30s. She’s from New Jersey, the state just next door, has been here two years now.  “We’d say it was where…
Who is this city for?
A blue light flashes on the automatic cat feeder as a disembodied woman’s voice fills the room.  “Hey Lily! Come get your food Lily!” Kibble dispenses into the bowl.  “Pspspsps!” The cat doesn’t move from Mardi’s lap – doesn’t so much as flick an ear at what I can only assume are the familiar sounds…
In the Land of the Mind Virus
Sunshine envelops my body as I leave the coffee shop, hands gripped around a pair of takeaway lattes. It’s a sunny day in Lockport, a town of stone and concrete. The streets radiate and amplify the sun’s rays, turning them into heat. It’s spring in upstate New York, and this warmth still feels like an…
The Wild World of Weed Trimming
Amongst the backpacking community, there’s always plenty of buzz surrounding the highly fantasised life that is weed trimming. And the first rule of Trim Club is that you do not talk about Trim Club. Rumours abound that you’ll make bulk cash in a short amount of time, which gives every traveller a semi-chub as they think about…
Sleepless in Seattle
Sleepless in Seattle – that’s the old movie with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, right? I have some vague recollection of watching it on TV years ago. One of those weekends where you decide to stay in and watch whatever old film they decide to recycle on commercial television. Little did I know, as I…

Astray is a storytelling project centred on travel, community, identity and liberation.

We’re based out of Lenapehoking / New York City: the homeland of the Lenape. Specifically, we’re in Manhattan: a name that comes from Mannahatta, meaning “island of many hills”. As grateful guests in this city, we recognize the strength and resilience of the Lenape, and extend our reverence to all Indigenous peoples everywhere. This acknowledgement comes from our commitment to working against the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.